Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Being Invisible

A couple of days ago I was having brunch with a group of males. We were at a small cafe next to a popular gym in west Hollywood.  Many attractive gym members gather at this spot to eat, chat with friends or simply have a good cup of coffee.

As our group was having a casual conversation about a Halloween party the previous night, I noticed a stunningly beautiful young woman who was siting next to our table. She was not the typical LA beauty. She looked as she could be from Eastern Europe or possibly the Middle East - black hair, medium dark skin.

It was not until she stood up that the men at my table noticed her. She was very tall and slender - probably a model.   "There were so many hot women at this party, I am telling you..." the male next to me shared with the others, "and SHE would have been invisible - totally invisible" referring to this gorgeous girl. Invisible? I thought, "Really? Are you kidding me?" I almost immediately left the conversation and the table claiming I was leaving because I had work to do.

"Nobody is invisible," I stated with conviction, feeling indignant as I shared this incident with my roommate. As a female, I found that comment offensive and disrespectful. What are we to men? Objects? Items that are to be evaluated based on their appearance? If we do not meet some basic standards of "beauty" we become invisible?

For centuries, women's looks have been judged not only by men, but by fellow females.  This is a well-known fact that had never really bothered me. It is normal to gravitate towards beauty. Both males and females do it all the time. When we shop for cars, homes, clothes, jewelry, music, we choose what we find beautiful and most attractive. Why wouldn't we do the same when we pick someone to date or to become our life partner?

But there is something else in that comment that triggers me. And it is not men's objectification of women. It is the crazy notion that the validity of someone's existence could be determined by the perceptions and opinions of others.

We are much more than our physical bodies. In fact, we are not even our physical bodies. Our bodies are just the vessels our souls use to move about in this human world. So how can anyone be judged by the vessel that carries them? It is because we often fail to see beyond physicality.

I remember attending one of the "A Course in Miracles" lectures offered by Marianne Williamson, writer and spiritual teacher. A lady in the audience, a preschool educator, asked how to deal with her young students when they misbehaved and failed to listen. Marianne looked at the lady, paused for a few seconds and then politely asked, "what is your religious background?" "Christian," she replied.  And Marianne said something like this:

"Ten minutes before class starts, look around the classroom as the kids get ready for class. Look at each child. I want you to imagine Jesus embracing the child you are looking at. Really imagine Jesus is right there. Take your time. Do this with every single child. When you are done, you will notice the difference. Each and every child will know that you truly saw them."

I love what Marianne told this lady. We are much more than our physical bodies. We are our souls. When we are truly seen by others, we feel an immediate connection with them and don't have to hide behind the illusion of being our ego or our body. It is as if our bodies become transparent... or, invisible.

So maybe I should not be as upset about my friend's "being invisible" comment. Wouldn't it be wonderful if our bodies disappeared and our souls were fully exposed? We would be able to see one another for what we really are - our essence. We would have no age, color or gender... We would all be equal... We would understand that, in reality, we are ONE!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Where is GOD?

A week ago, a friend of mine - let's call him Bill - wrote a comment on one of my facebook posts. This specific facebook post was supporting Marianne Williamson as a California Congressional Candidate.

We have been writing comments on my facebook wall back and forth. The facebook comment exchange has been going like this -

Bill - wow do not promote this woman...she is all about new age crap. a deceiver that tells you are your own god...I know Jesus does not need me to be Him I need Jesus in me.

Me - I know Marianne personally and have had the chance to work with her and spend time with her. These are her words - "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." One of the most beautiful and inspiring quotes - even Nelson Mandela used it in one of his speeches.

Bill - That is very nice and sounds great...but who is god to her what is his name? If it is Jesus then she should say so. If it anything else it is false teaching and it leads to a false god. She does not even realize this. I feel sorry for these people because I know they mean well. Please ask her who is God to her and this will answer our questions.

Me - I really do not want to get into this. And this has nothing to do with Marianne but with your Christian beliefs, which I respect. If you believe that God is Jesus, then that is what God is to you. You are free to believe whatever feels right for you. I can tell you what I believe God is - God is Jesus, every child and adult on earth, every animal, plant, the planets, the galaxies... everything and everyone is part of GOD. We are a little piece of God put in each of our physical bodies. We came to this world to learn through human relationships and through the love for one another. Ultimately, the only thing that is real is love... and that is exactly what God is - LOVE.

Bill - I am concerned that if we are not clear on who God is we will miss our calling and where we spend eternity. There is only one way to the real living God and that is through Jesus. Either Jesus is a crazy lunatic or He is who say's He Is (God). If we get lead to believe god is in everything and there are many ways to Him you can never have a personal relationship with him. If there was any other way to God then why did Jesus die for us? What a waste... Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6. It is very easy to get deceived in this fallen world and I am just making it clear that just because god is different to many others does not mean there are many other way to Him. Please call out to Him with a concerning heart and ask Him if what I am saying is true and wait for your answer. This is good news.

Me - God created ALL of us. We have him inside of us even if we are not aware of it. You are worried about people going to hell because they are not Born Again Christians? Just be concerned about the way you live your own life and how you treat others. "Loving One Another" is, in my opinion, more important than trying to impose dogmatic views or opinions on somebody else. My humble piece of advice to you... just continue being the loving person you are and have always been. Continue living your life with respect, kindness, generosity, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness towards others and yourself. We are mirrors of one another.

Bill - Thank you Adriana..."Loving one another" is what Jesus is all about. Where do you think all of this comes from? Do you think I am getting anything from telling you this.. So you would keep this to yourself? How loving and caring is that? It sounds selfish to keep truth to yourself and I know you are not selfish.

Me - Truth???? The only truth I believe there is, is LOVE... and as we already agreed, God is LOVE. Let's share our love with everyone!!! I send you a big hug and lots of love!!!

What do you personally believe?
Where is God?
What is God?