I strongly believe that there are no such things as accidents or coincidences. There is always a reason for everything. Even random events are not really that random. The universe has a way to make things work out one way or the other.
If we have the awareness that everything happens for a reason, then even tragedies and misfortune would have a purpose. Is it because we choose them? Or is it karma?
What I know is that we have all the tools and resources necessary to deal with any given situation. We are also given very clear signs of what to do.
I remember talking with Don Miguel Ruiz about my conflict with Victor Alfieri. Miguel asked me, "when did you know?" I replied, "when did I know what?" Looking at me with compassionate eyes, he said again, "when did you know?"
Now I understand that we always know when something goes against our integrity and our true self. We then fail to acknowledge it and simply ignore it. My relationship with Victor was not all bad, of course. I was very happy with him. There were a couple of situations, however, when I knew something was off and I chose to go against my own integrity. I chose to ignore that feeling in my gut, that warning.
I have been dealing with a more recent situation that illustrates this same issue. I have a terrible relationship with my current roommate. Fortunately she is in the process of moving out and we can both go our separate ways. I will not go into details on who said what or did what; who is right and who is wrong.
I did not choose her to be my roommate. What happened is that my previous roommate needed to move out immediately and find someone to take over his part of the lease. I wanted to help him out. He is a wonderful person. So I agreed to take her in when my gut... actually my whole body was telling me that I should not do so. I sensed the most negative energy emanating from her, not to mention her very different lifestyle and hygiene habits.
I thought that I could still get along with her. I swallowed my words and buried my feelings. I tried to live in peace. She would start fights just because I asked her to clean her mess. If I cleaned her mess, she would yell at me for doing so. After living with me almost 9 months, she has NEVER cleaned the kitchen or common areas. She has left rotten food in the fridge for months until I take it out. I have had to do all the cleaning myself.
And this issue with cleanliness is the smallest of all issues. There have been issues with utility bills not paid by her in months, guests, noise (she forbids people to talk in the living room), use of my personal things, etc, etc.
The situation is so horrible now that we cannot be in each other's presence without feeling like we are in a battle. I am aware that I am not particularly nice to her. I have bottled my frustrations for so long that now they cannot be contained anymore. I see myself acting like this and it truly saddens me. I don't like to be this way to anyone.
So what can be done about this??? Fortunately she will be moving out very soon. This terrible nightmare will end with her departure. But I cannot help but wonder, "could I have avoided this?" This experience has taught me a very valuable lesson: To listen to my heart and my body as they react to a person, situation or place. Those are very strong indicators and guides on how to deal with them. If I feel anger, frustration, tension, uneasiness, it is probably because I should stay away from that person, place or situation. I am talking about experiencing these emotions/feelings without any apparent trigger or cause - when I feel them for no reason, no reason at all.
We could apply this principle to when the opposite is experienced - joy, excitement, freedom.... then we know that this positive energy we experience from being around that person(s), situation or place is a clear sign that spending time and being around them would have a beneficial impact in our life.
So should we only choose the pleasant, cheerful, positive, joyful??? For the most part, I believe we should. There are other situations that are out of our control and that are not as pleasant. Having those challenging experiences are a great way toward our personal and spiritual growth. The wisdom comes in differentiating what I choose freely to keep in my life and what I have indirectly chosen as a lesson to learn.
What is clear to me is that I always have a choice when facing any situation. There is always a door - a way out. We are never helpless victims. We decide how long we stay and when it's time to leave.
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